Dear Members,
We had a Committee Meeting yesterday that focussed on how we can support the business community and the wider community in Petworth during these unusual times.
To a certain extent, we are at the mercy of the government, who may at any time decide to impose temporary curfew or closure on any or all of our businesses. With the elderly and at-risk members of our community restricted in their day to day movement this is also somewhere we can help.
In the meantime, we have taken the following actions and would welcome any feedback or suggestions on how else you feel we can support Petworth.
1. Here is a link to the government’s latest guidance for employees, employers and businesses which offers up to date information that will help to answer some questions you may have.
The Federation of Small Business’s website also has current information and is very good as a reference tool at any time.
2. Many shops in the small business community UK wide are requesting that people pay using contactless cards in order to limit the movement of cash which carries a higher risk of transferal. Where card machines are being used, they are being disinfected after each transaction. Door handles, doors and surfaces are being disinfected with antibacterial wipes or antibacterial surface cleaner regularly throughout the day. This is only a recommendation, but any small things that raise awareness and help to limit the spread of this virus in any way are worth the effort.
3. A number of businesses in Petworth are offering free home delivery within the local area, encouraging customers to telephone and pay for items over the phone. If you feel this is something your business can do, maybe we could arrange a team to work together to make this more economical for everyone. Please contact Sally on if you are happy to be involved with this.
I have spoken with Anthony Curl at Lloyd’s Pharmacy, and understandably, he is under a huge amount of pressure. Anthony is allowing people to collect scripts for friends and neighbours, as long as they know the person’s name and address. So, we need to be neighbourly. Attached is a copy of what is essentially a help form that you can put under a neighbour’s door to let them know you are happy to help.

Click for a larger view and for downloading.
The Town Council and The Petworth Surgery are meeting this evening to discuss how the wider community can work together to help ease the pressure on these services and make sure we are looking after the most vulnerable in our community. The Town Council and PBA have set up a Facebook Group – Petworth Partners for you to find more information about how we are helping the wider community.
4. We have written a letter to the Midhurst and Petworth Observer on behalf of the businesses in Petworth this week, to let people know that Petworth is very much open for business and that we need the support of our local customers.
5. We are presently lobbying Chichester District Council Parking Department to see if we can secure a free parking period to encourage people to shop locally and support our local businesses, and also to once again limit the spread of germs through using the keypads on the parking machines. If you wish to support this motion, please email . Tania is responsible for Carparking and if she receives enough emails from us, we may be able to bring about some change, but also Tania will realise that the PBA is a force to be reckoned with, and this may also help us in the future
6. We are having some large signs made, to place at the 4 entrances to the town, which say that Petworth businesses and car parks are open as usual. These will be able to be used now, after we reopen in the event of business closures, and also during future roadworks and highway maintenance within the town.
7. We recommend that you check the small print on your insurance – some will cover loss of business due to Coronavirus and others won’t. As in so many insurance cases, there may be an issue with interpretation. If you are concerned about this and how it may impact on any claims you may have, contact our local MP, Andrew Griffiths. You can do this by telephoning his secretary Lindsey White. 020 7219 4557
For the Arundel & South Downs Conservative Association, please call 01903 332332.
8. The Petworth Food Bank really needs even more support at the moment. Donations go to the Co-op and are then distributed to those people who have registered for the food bank. Please keep donating.
The weekly PBA newsletter will have the most current information and news regarding local and national Coronavirus updates, and we will do our best to let you know when things change. As already advised the Networking Event at John Bird’s this Wednesday has been cancelled.
We send our best wishes to all of you and hope that you and your families and friends stay safe and healthy through these difficult times. If we can help you in any way, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Kind Regards,
Sally Matson
Deputy Chair
Our Email Contacts
Siobhan Perrgio –
Julie Regan –
Sarah Dudman –
Yongyi Neathercoat –
Georgina Wills –
Harsha Desai –